Market Update July 2023 – Rental growth slows, will rent freezes fan the flames, exploring the office exodus & capitals thrive as regionals dive (Ep.218)

Market Update July 2023 – Rental growth slows, will rent freezes fan the flames, exploring the office exodus & capitals thrive as regionals dive (Ep.218)

Formerly the “Property Planner, Buyer and Professor” podcast Listen and subscribe Apple        Android 1. Capital vs. Regional: The Performance Battle Cate sparks a discussion on the thriving capital cities versus the diving regional counterparts as the...
Show notes – Market Update May 2023 – How the Upper Quartile is Driving Market Movements, Why Affordability is Relative, Generational Shifts & the Boomer Effect, and the R Word – Recession (Ep.210)

Market Update May 2023 – How the Upper Quartile is Driving Market Movements, Why Affordability is Relative, Generational Shifts & the Boomer Effect, and the R Word – Recession (Ep.210)

Formerly the “Property Planner, Buyer and Professor” podcast Listen and subscribe Apple        Android 1. Market Updates & index results Our market update begins with a spotlight on Sydney, where median prices have surged by 5% this...