Pros and cons of investing in property Pros Property is historically less volatile than shares or other investments. You can earn rental income and...
Why short term investing has long-term consequences
Why short-term investing has long-term consequences Property is a unique asset class, particularly considering the amount of money outlaid on costs...
Impact on home purchase
Impact on home purchase Should you purchase an investment property, your borrowing capacity will be reduced. This will initially move you further...
The costs of needing to buy and sell multiple properties
The costs of needing to buy and sell multiple properties Buying and selling multiple homes over your lifetime is a silent killer of wealth for most...
Why 2-5 properties are right for most
Why 2-5 Properties are right for most The reasons we believe two to five properties is right for most hard-working professionals because: Most...
7 critical mistakes
The 7 Critical Mistakes There are seven common property mistakes people make that impact their ability to improve their financial position and...