Property Planning Australia Terms and Conditions

By signing on to a Property Plan Service, you agree to be bound by the Property Planning Australia Terms and Conditions

You will also be agreeing to the terms and conditions as part of setting up your personal user account.

Property as an investment

Property is generally a relatively illiquid asset class and it is often difficult to gain access to funds quickly if the asset needs to be sold. While the ownership of property with a reasonable rental yield can assist with expected holding costs, residential property can also incur unexpected repairs costs and there may also be periods where the property is vacant, and no rental income is received. For the above reasons, we consider that property is generally most effective as a long-term investment (minimum 10 years), with time in the market allowing both the rental income and the market value of the property time to grow and compound in a tax-efficient manner. Therefore, it is also considered important to maintain a reasonable cash buffer in case of unforeseen repairs costs or vacancy periods. Buying property with the potential to renovate or develop can be the most effective strategy and use of your borrowing capacity.

Property Acquisition and Sale

There are risks related to the acquisition and sale of investment property, and you purchase or sell investment property at your own risk. We base our opinions and recommendations on known comparable sales and market trends that exist at the time of preparing your scenarios and do not make any financial guarantees. You should seek and be satisfied with your own legal and financial advice and carry out any other research necessary before making financial decisions. We make no representation, guarantee, warranty, promises or undertaking as to the: (i) suitability of any properties purchased or sold by you; or (ii) any financial viability or guarantee in respect of your property purchases or sales. You should make your own enquiries before any property purchases or sales, including obtaining the appropriate legal and financial advice. To the maximum extent allowable by law, we, our agents, and employees will not be liable for any loss or damage suffered or incurred by you in relation to any property purchase or sale.  It is your responsibility to determine whether you are comfortable with the risks and potential losses from your chosen investments.


Please note that the future returns from property investment are unknown, and past performance is no guarantee of future results. All forms of investment involve risk and may incur loss. We accept no responsibility for losses incurred from investment strategies undertaken by you. We accept no responsibility for projections  and assumptions relating thereto.

Forecasting assumptions forecasts assume no major macro events materially affecting residential property markets and no major economic shocks.

Legislative changes

There may be future and unforeseen legislative changes that have a negative impact on property and/or other investment classes.

Mortgage advice & borrowing capacity

In addition to an appropriate property plan, it is important that you have in place well-structured and complimentary mortgage and banking facilities to match your specific property investment circumstances and goals. Properly prepared and structured plans, and a diversified and well selected investment portfolio can assist in managing risk.

Property Planners at Property Planning Australia do not act as licensed mortgage advisors. The website is not a borrowing capacity assessment. For an accurate account of your borrowing capacity for the purposes of modelling scenarios, we recommend that you speak with one of Property Planning Australia’s Strategic Mortgage Brokers for a borrowing capacity assessment.

Information Provided

In assisting you to prepare your Property Plan, we have relied on the information you have supplied to us. If you have failed to provide relevant information, or you believe that any aspect of your situation has been overlooked or is not correctly represented, it is your responsibility to update the information in the platform and bring it to our attention.

Retention of information

You have provided us with your information and have granted us permission to retain the information on our files and provide details as required to Property Planning Australia staff and their contractors.

Copyright and trademark

© Property Planning Australia (NSW) Pty Ltd ACN: 132 650 929/Property Planning Australia (Victoria) Pty Ltd ACN: 109 251 729 (“PPA”).

PPA is the exclusive owner of all copyright in all “work” (as defined in the Copyright Act 1968) and other materials PPA develops and provides to you, in relation to your Plan or otherwise. Any information or related materials are for the exclusive use of the client and may not be modified, reproduced or circulated by any means to any party for any purpose except with the express written approval of PPA.

Links to other websites

The website may contain links to other websites operated by third parties (“Third Party websites”). Property Planning Australia does not endorse, or approve of the operators of Third Party websites or the information contained on them, and makes no warranties or representations regarding the information and material on those Third Party websites (“Third Party Material”). All offers and statements relating to goods and services available on Third Party websites are the responsibility of and given by the Third Party website operator.

Acceptance and changes to terms of use

You acknowledge and accept that by signing the Property Plan Agreement indicates your acceptance of the Terms and Conditions. Property Planning Australia may at any time vary the Terms and Conditions by publishing the varied terms of use on the website and you agree to continue to be bound by the Terms and Conditions as varied. You accept that by doing this, Property Planning Australia has provided you with sufficient notice of the variation. Property Planning Australia reserves any rights not expressly granted in the Terms and Conditions.


Your access to the website may be terminated or suspended at any time by Property Planning Australia or without notice. All restrictions, licences granted by you and all disclaimers and limitations of liability by will survive termination, however, you will no longer be authorised to access the website.


The law applicable to the Property Plan service and Agreement is the law of the State of Victoria, Australia.


The Property Plan service and website is an information resource only and contains information of a general nature. It  is a limited scale plan which we have prepared with you, concentrating on strategies to achieve the specific goals and to meet the related issues you have raised with us. It is not intended and does not constitute or act as financial, legal or tax advice or a credit quote, credit proposal disclosure document or preliminary credit assessment.

While we make every effort to ensure that information is as accurate as possible, Property Planning Australia does not warrant the accuracy, adequacy or completeness of information provided by staff or on the All information is subject to change without notice. Property Planning Australia recommends that you undertake your own investigations before making or accepting an offer on a property. Property Planning Australia does not guarantee that the website or Third Party websites will be free from viruses, or that access will be uninterrupted or error free.

Further, it does not constitute or contain legal, taxation, financial product or financial planning advice. Your Gameplans charts and numbers  should not be relied upon, nor used, as a substitute for specific independent professional advice regarding any taxation, legal, financial product or financial planning matters. You should seek independent advice regarding these matters relevant to your own circumstances and individual needs from an appropriately licensed party. All information, provided to you is included by Property Planning Australia with due care to its accuracy, however, no representation or warranty is made as to its accuracy, currency, completeness, or reliability. It is your responsibility to assess and verify the accuracy, currency, completeness and reliability of the information and whether it applies in your individual circumstances.

We do not accept liability for financial decisions made by you.

Limitation of liability

To the fullest extent allowed by law, Property Planning Australia, its directors, officers, employees, agents and contractors will not be responsible or liable for any loss or damage suffered or incurred by you or any person or body corporate as a result of (whether directly or indirectly) your reliance or such person’s reliance on any information, omission, error, or inaccuracy contained in information you have received or any advice given by Property Planning Australia, or any Third Party Material, whether such liability arises in contract, tort, including negligence, statute or otherwise.

If the whole or any part of this Disclaimer is void, unenforceable or illegal in a jurisdiction, it is severed for that jurisdiction. The remainder of the Disclaimer has full force and effect and the validity or enforceability of that provision in any other jurisdiction is not affected. This clause has no effect if the severance alters the basic nature of the Disclaimer or is contrary to public policy.

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