
How age and stage of life can impact your property plan and selection (Ep. 13)

How age and stage of life can impact your property plan and selection (Ep. 13)

The type of property that suits your current needs, will not necessarily meet your long-term needs.

Beware of middle-aged children, pregnant women and dads at an auction or during property negotiation! They have a time deadline and the purchase price is less important.

Where you are competing to purchase a property and you are up against people who are motivated by time – instead of money – the price tag can quickly fly out of reach.

In episode 13, the Property Planner, Buyer and Professor dissect “How age and stage of life can impact your property plan and selection”

Listen to David Johnston, Cate Bakos and Peter Koulizos as they take you through the critical considerations and how they change throughout your life’s journey.

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Property Cycle Management – why now is always the best time to buy if it suits your personal economy and you have a long-term property plan (Ep. 12)

Property Cycle Management – why now is always the best time to buy if it suits your personal economy and you have a long-term property plan (Ep. 12)

The media hype around timing the property market can lead to indecisions and paralysis by analysis that can be the huge killer of wealth creation. You may ask yourself what if property prices fall? Do you ask yourself what if they keep going up?  

In our 12th episode, the Property Planner, Buyer and Professor dissect “Property cycle management – why now is always the best time to buy if it suits your personal economy and you have a long-term property plan.” 

Listen to David Johnston, Cate Bakos and Peter Koulizos as they take you through market cycles, the catalysts behind market movements and how to deal with a downturn.  

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Small time development – How it can work for you, but is it a risk worth taking? (Ep. 11)

Small time development – How it can work for you, but is it a risk worth taking? (Ep. 11)

Everywhere you go, new townhouses and apartments are springing up in droves. Does that mean you should be getting in on the action and become a small-time developer?

In our 11th episode, the Property Planner, Buyer and Professor dissect “Small time development – how it can work for you, but is it a risk worth taking?”

Listen to David Johnston, Cate Bakos and Peter Koulizos as they take you through where to begin if you’re interested in property development, the inherent risks and of course, setting your strategy before going on the hunt for a viable site.

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Why your approach and assessment of risk is paramount to property success! (Ep.10)

Why your approach and assessment of risk is paramount to property success! (Ep.10)

How do you frame risk when it making property, mortgage and money decisions?

What risk management strategies do you have in place within your property plan, mortgage and property selection strategies to minimise your downside while optimising the upside?

It can be a tricky balancing act.

In our 10th episode, the Property Planner, Buyer and Professor dissect “Why your approach and assessment of risk is paramount to property success”, and if done poorly, how it can lead you up the garden path!

Join Peter Koulizos (Property Professor), Cate Bakos (Property Buyer) and David Johnston (Property Planner), as they take you through all the different ways to look at, consider, and manage risk when making property, mortgage, money and lifestyle decisions before your next purchase and the critical mistakes to avoid.

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Why your Mortgage Strategy is more important than your interest rate! (Ep. 9 )

Why your Mortgage Strategy is more important than your interest rate! (Ep. 9 )

Do you have a mortgage strategy for your largest expense in your lifetime – or have you focused on a short-term win – your interest rate?  

What if I told you that you can have the best of both worlds, a great mortgage strategy AND interest rate!  

In our 9th episode, the Property Planner, Buyer and Professor dissect “Why your mortgage strategy is more important than your interest rate”. 

This isn’t simply about paying down your mortgage faster. Everyone understands that!  

Listen to David Johnston, Cate Bakos and Peter Koulizos as they take you through the key mortgage strategies that the mortgage industry neglects, resulting in a lack of awareness for consumers, and the critical mistakes to avoid. 

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