Market Updates

ASIC allow switching from principal and interest to interest only

ASIC allow switching from principal and interest to interest only

ASIC has provided confirmation to lenders that a change from principal and interest to interest only repayments can be made if a consumer requests to reduce their repayments and in the short-term. 
Nila Sweeney from the Australian Financial Review, published her exclusive overnight, for which David Johnston provided some insights, in her article “No breach for lenders as homeowners switch to interest-only.”

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Property Planning Australia is here to support you as we have since 2004 | Property market update

Property Planning Australia is here to support you as we have since 2004 | Property market update

As the impact of the Covid-19 outbreak becomes more widespread, we wanted to reach out to you with an update on the following:
1. Auctions have been brought forward to today, tomorrow, Friday and the weekend.
2. A property market update.
3. Property Planning Australia – Action plan.
4. ‘Some Good News’ stories because we are all being inundated with the ‘other’ news at the moment.  
5. The Singapore containment success story.  
6. We would also like to advise that The Property Planner, Buyer and Professor Podcast continues unabated for another seven episodes at least……because we pre-recorded it, but please keep that a secret!😉

We will keep you updated and if you would like to have a conversation with your Property Planner or Strategic Mortgage Broker, please feel free to call our office (which is being diverted to our team members), email us directly or visit our contact us page.

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