Formerly the “Property Planner, Buyer and Professor” podcast
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Show notes
1. Home Value Index Results
The indices deliver mixed outcomes, and overall the national monthly movement registers a slight market decrease, but what can this be put down to? There are markets within markets, and the Trio break down some of the standout results. From regional cities, to Adelaide’s incredible run, there are some noteworthy stats to digest.
Source: CoreLogic
Market segmentation counts for so much and the Trio point out the outperformance of the lowest quartile in six of the seven states and territories. What does this signal?
And why would investors broadly target lower quartile properties? Cate shares her insights….
Source: CoreLogic
2. Rents
Rents… good news for renters but bad news for investors? Not really. While rents aren’t in double digits any longer, rental growth is still mostly above CPI. Cate steps through some of the considerations that owners need to apply when considering rental increases.
Source: CoreLogic
3. Listings
“But it’s listings that i tend to get excited about because they filter through into our market dynamics.”
New listing volumes were decent last year. They were at or above the five year average. However, all listings were below the previous five year average, but the tightening was a reflection of stronger listing volumes in 2024.

Time to buy a dwelling, family finance, and annualised interest rate expectations… as the Westpac release suggests, “The consumer mood has soured for two months in a row and remains on the pessimistic side. However… consumers expect things to continue to improve from here.”
Source: Westpac Melbourne Institute
5. Rate Expectations
The Trio wonder what predictive ability the ASX’s rate tracker has when it comes to signalling specific dates for rate cuts…. only time will tell, but February is looking interesting!
Source: ASX
6. Lending
The portion of lending for investment housing is significantly above recent historical levels. Wealth effect? Comfort with no further rate increases? What has driven this?
Source: CoreLogic/ABS
The Property Planner’s Monthly Market Update
And if you’ve enjoyed this show, take a listen to these eps:
- 6 – What determines your Property Strategy
- 10 – Why your approach and assessment of risk is paramount to property success!
- 12 – Property Cycle Management – why now is always the best time to buy if it suits your personal economy and you have a long-term property plan
- 18 – When to hold and when to fold!
- 60 – Why established properties outperform